There is an issue that recently came to light regarding logging on to MySchool from home. Some users were getting the following error (or similar depending on your browser)
C2K are aware of this and are having to modify the MySchool servers to rectify it. They hope to have them in operation very soon. In the meantime do not worry the MySchool site is completely safe.
Therefore if you are using an up-to-date browser and get the above message when trying to log in to MySchool the C2K advice is to click on the Advanced button and it will show the image below.
Click on the Continue to (unsafe) – you may be prompted to do this more than once but eventually you will be presented with the log in screen. This may also occur when trying to open your O365 email but just keep clicking on the Continue…. Links.
Yes I know that this goes against everything you will be told NOT to do but in this one instance only it is safe to proceed.