Downloading Microsoft Office for Students
To download a detailed PDF of these instructions please click on this text.
Students are now able to download File the full version of Microsoft Office for PC or Mac free of charge with their C2k username for installation on personal and home computers.
Student Downloading Instructions
From the computer you wish to install Microsoft Office on, log in to MySchool ( and click ¦ Office365 icon:
This opens the Office 365 home page where the install link appears below the Office Online buttons. Click Install to start the process.
From the Install page, the appropriate version of Office should be selected before clicking the Install button.
This downloads a small installer file. Select Run to continue.
Once installed, the installation of the full Office suite will start. Please note, this is a large file (3Gb) and as such installation can take some time depending on your broadband speed.
When prompted to activate the software, pupils should enter their username in the format:
Please note this requires the domain and NOT
To complete installation, a student will be asked to sign in. Again, the format is <username> and the password is a student’s normal C2k password.
- The installation of Office will remain available while a student’s C2k username remains active. i.e. When a student leaves school, their C2k username will cease to be valid and the Office product will revert to a read-only version.
- Each user can install Office on up to 5 devices. These can be a combination of PC and Mac.
- If a user installs Office on a 6th device, the software will remain as read-only until one of the previous 5 installations is deactivated. To deactivate an installation, go to the Office 365 settings page and select Software – Install and manage software and then follow the instructions.
- If you already have an earlier version of Office on your device we recommend that you back up your work and remove the old version (via Add/Remove Programs) BEFORE installing the new version.