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- Written by Super User
- Category: My Files Issues
- Hits: 2614
There are times when you may wish to download more than one file at a time to work on. Rather than simply download the files one at a time it is possible to download multiple files.
Launch Files and Apps as normal from My-School
Find the files that you wish to download
To choose multiple files hold down the Ctrl button on your keyboard and click on each file that you wish to download.
There are 2 ways of downloading these files - the first option is to Compress and download
With this option the files will automatically download to the downloads folder on your device at home. You should see at the bottom of the browser the files being downloaded in a zip format. The second option is to compress the files to a Zip archive which will be saved in your network Home Drive
Once you choose this method you will be asked to give the Zip file a name so you can find it once it has compressed the files. Here I have called it myfiles
Once you click OK it will zip the files and save them to your Home Drive on the network. Now search for the Zip file as you would when downloading a single file
click on this zip file, then on the download button at the top and save it to your own device.
- Details
- Written by Super User
- Category: My Files Issues
- Hits: 2571
How to download a file from My Files
Once you have found the file that you wish to work on / modify in My Files remember you can not edit it "live" from this area. You must download the file to your own device and edit it from there. Below is how you download a file from this area:
Find the file you need and then click on it to highlight it
Next at the top right click on Download - this should save to the downloads folder on your computer by default.
Find the file and copy/move it to where you can work on it.
- Details
- Written by Super User
- Category: My Files Issues
- Hits: 3007
Access My Files
When you log in to My-School click on View All - this will open up a new window. Choose Files and Apps
You will then be logged in to the server where the files are stored. Please be patient as this can take a few moments. You will then see the structure of the folders
Note Home Drive will be where your My Documents are stored - this should be opened by default.